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Tech Talk: Bushbuck Dry Toes Merino Socks (Waterproof Socks)

Tech Talk: Bushbuck Dry Toes Merino Socks (Waterproof Socks)

Bushbuck Dry Toes Merino Socks are 100% waterproof socks engineered to keep your feet during river and stream crossings and in all weather.


  • 100% waterproof socks

  • Nylon, polyester and cotton face fabric

  • Merino wool on the inside


100% waterproof socks

Waterproof socks might sound too good to be true. But Bushbuck’s Dry Toes Merino Socks really are 100% waterproof. This technology is a game-changer for hunting, hiking, working on the farm, and even for wearing on the boat on a chilly day and they’ve quickly become a customer favourite. We all know that if you’re walking through a kale paddock, wet grass, or crossing streams and rivers, your feet are going to get wet. And there’s nothing worse than having soggy socks. This is the problem we sought to overcome when we set ourselves the challenge of engineering waterproof socks.


3-layer construction

The waterproof technology is a three-layer construction. A flexible, breathable and waterproof membrane is sandwiched between a durable face fabric made with a blend of polyester, nylon and cotton on the outside and odour-resistant merino wool on the inside. Similar to a waterproof jacket, excessive heat and moisture is able to escape from the inside, but can’t get in from the outside. The socks have an 8000mm waterproof rating, similar to a good quality tent or rain jacket, and a 10,000mm breathability rating. The dry toes merino socks are slightly thicker than our sub-z merino socks range, which means they provide plenty of cushioning and comfort.


Dry Toes feeling

You may be wondering what it feels like to be standing in water and still have dry feet. Well, to be honest, it’s a bit of a weird feeling. Your feet still feel like they’re wet, especially when you’ve got water in your boots, but when you pull off your socks you’ll find they’re completely dry. If you’re sceptical, watch the video above where I prove just how waterproof they are by chucking the boss’s smartphone into a sock and dunking it in a bowl of water. But you don’t have to take our word for it, check out what some of our customers have to say.

Mark Holder Bushbuck Thumbnail
Mark Holder

Mark Holder is Marketing and Events Manager at Bushbuck. His job is to plan, create and execute all of Bushbuck's marketing and organise the events and shows we attend. Mark's the host of Bushbuck's "Tech Talk" video series where we provide in-depth gear reviews. He also gets roped into a fair few Bushbuck photoshoots. Mark was born in Geraldine and now lives in Christchurch. Outside of work, he's a keen outdoorsman. He enjoys snowboarding in the winter, wakeboarding in the summer, and tries to get out hunting with mates as much as possible. His favourite wilderness spot is the Orari Gorge waterfall in Geraldine. It was his local swimming spot as a kid and an amazing place to hang out over summer. He's also a big fan of the lakes around Twizel. Something that not many people know about Mark is he used to be a professional wakeboarder.

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