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VIDEO: Spearfishing Coromandel Islands + Shark Encounter

VIDEO: Spearfishing Coromandel Islands + Shark Encounter


Ollie Craig takes his friend Josh from the Shetland Islands, Scotland, on a spearfishing adventure in the Coromandel, New Zealand. The goal was to land some Yellowtail Kingfish and the lads were not disappointed. Pink maomao, butterfish, a couple of a good-sized kingfish, and a brief encounter with a resident bronze whaler shark made for an epic day out on the water in sometimes challenging conditions. Make sure to watch to the end for a bonus catch-and-cook recipe with the freshly speared fish.

Ollie Craig
Ollie Craig

Ollie Craig is a New Zealand spearfisher, hunter and content creator. He produces high-quality vlogs of his spearfishing and hunting adventures on YouTubeTikTok and Instagram.

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