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Camping Tents & Tarps

Gear up for year-round adventure camping with Bushbuck’s range of lightweight hiking tents, tarps, and rooftop tents. Made from high-quality materials and tested in extreme conditions, our tents provide the shelter, comfort and safety you need in the great outdoors. Our ultralight 1-person Solo tent and 2-person Horizon tent are waterproof, durable and compact for multi-day hiking or hunting missions, while our 3-person ground tent, the Tribus, is built for fly-in, drive-in, or group trips where you can afford the luxury of extra space and weight. If you’re an off-road explorer, elevate your camping experience with a Bushbuck rooftop tent. The innovative Armourdillo® Hard Shell Rooftop Tent is designed for maximum durability, functionality and comfort. It’s the ultimate choice for hardcore 4WD adventures or weekend road trips to your favourite campgrounds. The heavy-duty aluminium hard shell is more durable than soft shell alternatives and can be mounted with solar panels, extra storage, or adventure gear. The Armourdillo® roof tent accessories range includes an annex room and family airbeam tent to create a multi-room camping experience. Whether you’re a solo traveller or planning a family adventure, our rooftop tents provide the durability, comfort, and ease of use to take your life on the road to new heights.

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