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Apex Crew Base Layer

Unisex Slim Fit

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1 - Master Card
2 - Visa
3 - Paypal
5- GooglePay
7 - ApplePay

Breathable, UV Resistant


210g (Medium)


145gsm honeycomb bamboo charcoal fabric 125gsm mesh vent underarm


Ideal for warm & dry conditions


The Bushbuck Apex Crew Base Layer is a high-performance 'next to skin' layer that naturally regulates your temperature in the outdoors.

The Apex Crew Base Layer is made from cutting-edge bamboo charcoal-infused honeycomb fabric with natural moisture-wicking and temperature-regulating properties. Heat, humidity and hard work are no match for this top, which is your best choice for keeping cool, dry and comfortable on your hunting or hiking adventures. The Apex Crew has four-way stretch mesh underarm sections, which means your pits can breathe and your upper body can move freely. The natural anti-microbial properties of bamboo charcoal prevent your sweat from turning into a stink, so you don't have to worry about wearing this top a few days in a row. The fabric and long sleeves also provide UV protection when exposed to the all-day sun. The Bushbuck Apex range is designed for summer conditions but doubles as an insulating baselayer in the cooler months. Built for the rigours of hunting and serious adventuring, don't be surprised if you wear your Apex to the gym or around home all summer. It's that good. Note: The Apex range is designed as a next-to-skin base layer, so they are slim fitting. If you're after a more regular fit, we suggest going up a size from what you'd usually wear. Also available as a tee, armour quarter-zip and standard quarter-zip.



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